First opened in 1852, San Quentin is California’s oldest maximum secruity prison. It is the only prison in the United States to have a death row for male inmates. It is one of the largest prisons in the nation with 5,222 inmates as of December 2008.
Overaa completed a series of renovation projects throughout the facility including:
South and West Block Housing Structural Retrofit. This 480,000 sf structural retrofit included 3,300 cy concrete buttresses attached to the building exterior, steel trusses reinforced the interior, a temporary and permanent canteen, lead abatement and painting.
East Block Structural Retrofit was a 240,000 sf project that involved new concrete buttresses, upgrade to roadway, reinforcing steel trusses, and installing a retractable walkway.
North Block Housing Structural Retrofit included steel and concrete to fortify existing foundations, installation of dowels, rebar and concrete. We built a new concrete roof and exercise yard on the roof of the building, supported by new concrete beams under the existing deck. This is the infamous “death row”.
Additional projects included life safety retrofits and interior renovations of the poison control room, infirmary , and gun range, kitchen and dining halls.
All work was completed in a high security, occupied facility. All tools and equipment had to be carefully accounted for at the end of each shift.