Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District
Bid Time
10/23/2024 2:00 pm

DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: In accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by Carollo Engineers, the Work includes furnishing of all labor, materials, tax, equipment, incidentals and services for the construction and completion of the Screw Press Relocation Project. The Work includes but is not limited to:
1) Disassembly and inspection of existing screw press dewatering system; 2) Replacement of select mechanical components on the screw press system including screw press motor and covers, flocculation tank agitator and motor, and headbox level transducer; 3) Reassembly and recommissioning of screw press dewatering system at new location on the Equalization Structure; 4) Installation of new digested sludge feed pump, digested sludge piping and appurtenances; 5) Demolition of existing digested sludge feed pump, polymer feed system and associated piping; 6) Installation of new polymer feed system at Equalization Structure and relocation of existing polymer tote; 7) Installation of screw press dewatering system platform and repairs to existing screw press floor; 8) Installation of 1W/3W piping to screw press and polymer feed systems; 9) Electrical, instrumentation, and controls improvements, including screw press panel modifications, existing PLC modifications, new conduits and pull boxes, and lighting modifications; 10) Additional work as needed to construct a complete and operational project as specified in these Contract Documents.


CERTIFICATES OF EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Due to the complexity and scope of this critically important project, the District requires minimum prior related successful project experience for General Contractors, General Contractor’s Project Manager

and Electrical Subcontractors seeking to bid the Project. These requirements are found in Section 00400, Bid Form, Attachments A and B.


CONTRACT TIME: The Contract Time for the completion of all the Work of the Project is 300 (Three Hundred) calendar Days.

1 East Rd., Sausalito, CA.
Bid Walk

MANDATORY PRE-BID SITE INSPECTION: All Bidders must attend a Project walk-through of all worksite locations.

The District will host a project walk on October 3, 2024 at 10 AM. The project walk will be held at the wastewater treatment plant located at 1 East Rd., Sausalito, CA. As parking is very limited within the treatment plant area, please park on East Road and walk down the driveway to the Engineering Office (follow the signs). In lieu of attending the October 3, 2024 project walk, Contractors may schedule a worksite visit at an alternate time by contacting District Engineer Kevin Rahman at 415-331-4714.

Electrical Qualifications required.
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: A full set of Contract Documents is available at various Bay Area Builders Exchanges. Complete electronic sets of Contract Documents and related Supplemental Project Information can also be obtained free of charge on the District’s website at or by contacting the District at 415-332-0244. All bidders must obtain a complete electronic bid set of Contact Documents in order to be considered responsive and to receive addenda notifications. Bidders shall develop and submit Bids at their own expense. The District will not reimburse any costs associated with the development and submittal of any and all Bids. Where the District considers it necessary to respond to questions raised during the Bid Period, District will post Addenda electronically at Oral