Furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and performing all work necessary and incidental
to the construction of the project known as the WQCF Sludge Thickener and Dewatering Unit
No. 3 Project CIP 24006 & 24007 according to the plans and specifications as prepared by the City
of Manteca and according to the Contract Documents. The work includes, but not limited to,
conversion of the existing dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickeners into sludge blend tanks, new
rotating drum thickener (RDT) facility, co-thickening of primary sludge and waste activated
sludge, new thickening odor control facility, installation of Centrifuge No. 3, and associated
Project shall have Substantial Completion within 900 calendar days and Final Completion within 990 calendar days.