Bid Details for Local Advanced Water Purification System (Local AWPS)

Local Advanced Water Purification System (Local AWPS)
City of Palo Alto
Bid Time
01/31/2025 3:00 pm

The Local AWPS project consist in two Phases. This IFB is for Phase that will produce 1.125
MGD of RO permeate and will include housekeeping pads for future skids and pipe headers sized enough to
accommodate expansion. Phase I Motor Control Centers will also accommodate for Phase II electrical loads. The
permeate produced from the project will be blended with the existing tertiary-treated recycled water to achieve an
instantaneous TDS concentration of 400 to 500 mg/L. The Local AWPS will be constructed without interruption to
the current treatment operations, except as allowed under special circumstances, such as piping and utility tie-ins.
The electrical service, potable water service and fire water supply will be independent from the RWQCP service. New
service connections will be made with City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU).
The Project will consist on construction of a new odor control structure, membrane filtration, reverse osmosis
system, construction of a new permeate storage tank, blending station, new chemical storage facilities, electrical,
instrumentation and control systems. Site work includes pile foundation, concrete slab, yard piping, replacement of
a sewer line, paving, grading, landscaping, construction of a metal canopy, a pre-engineered electrical building and
a perimeter wall.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Requirements participation is encouraged.

It is anticipated that Work on the Project will be required to commence on or about May 2025 – December 2027

Palo Alto, CA
Bid Walk

To accomodate requests for a second look at the Site, we are opening up the following days/times for a Non-Mandatory Site walk:

Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.

Prospective Bidders who would like to attend one of these Non-Mandatory Site walks do not need to RSVP in advance but will need to sign-in prior to the Site Walk.  Attendees should park on the street as parking is limited.  Please plan accordingly.

NOTE:  No new information will be shared during these walks and all questions should be submitted through OpenGov.


A mandatory pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for December 10, 2024. The Conference shall
begin promptly at 10:00 am, and shall be held at RWQCP Administration Building Conference Room
located at 2501 Embarcadero Way Administration Building Training Room, Palo Alto, CA 94303.
All prospective Bidders must attend.

A mandatory pre-Bid site walk is scheduled for December 10, 2024 immediately following the
pre-Bid Conference. All prospective Bidders must attend.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Requirements participation is encouraged.
Contract Documents are available through the City of Palo Alto’s Purchasing and Contract Administration bid Portal: Bid Opportunities – City of Palo Alto, CA