Bid Details for EBMUD Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Clarifier Rehabilitation Phase 4

EBMUD Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Clarifier Rehabilitation Phase 4
Bid Time
10/02/2024 1:30 pm

Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Phase 4 project, SD-459.


Work includes:
(1) Rehabilitating Clarifiers 4 and 11 by replacing the clarifier equipment, refurbishing the
bridge, resurfacing the concrete surfaces, rebuilding drives, refurbishing influent gates, and
replacing electrical equipment,
(2) installing new sump pits at 5 clarifiers,
(3) installing new sump pumps at 6 clarifiers,
(4) providing new 120V, 208V, and 480V and control wiring for Clarifiers 8, 11, and 12,
(5) inspecting clarifier return activated sludge pipeline and providing Cure-In-Place Piping
rehabilitation if required for 2 clarifiers,
(6) inspecting the closed conduit secondary effluent channel,
(7) regrading and replacing the soil adjacent to the clarifiers with new material, and
(8) replacing actuators on the influent gates at 8 clarifiers.

This project will require multiple trades and types of work; for example (note: this list is not all inclusive): demolition, saw-cutting, Cast-in-Place Concrete, concrete coring, hazardous materials handling, grading, excavation, fill, concrete, concrete reinforcement, grouting, structural steel, metal fabrications, flange bolting, anchor systems, expansion joints, Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic, painting & coatings, bolting, welding, mechanical, electrical, Electric Valve Actuator, pipeline, plumbing, Submersible Sump Pumps, excavation, utilities, landscaping, Secondary Clarifier Equipment, process integration, and other required work and trades. For additional description and information, see Document 00 41 01 – Bid Form, Document 00 41 05 – Description of Bid Items, Section 01 11 00 – Summary of Work, and the remaining contract documents.

All work covered by the contract shall be completed within three hundred (300) calendar days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed


EBMUD Contract Equity Program is in effect on this project. District contracting objectives are: Construction 25% White Men; 9% White Women, 25% Ethnic Minorities (Men and Women).

Oakland, CA
$6,500,000 to $8,000,000
Bid Walk

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 10:00 AM

The District will conduct a pre-bid jobsite inspection tour to familiarize prospective bidders with the project site and conditions. Attendees will be required to sign a waiver prior to entering the project site. See Appendix A for waiver. The inspection will be conducted on September 18, 2024 at 10 a.m. Bidders/bid walk attendees (Attendees) shall comply with the Alameda County health orders. Face coverings will be required at a facility is if there is a declared Cal-OSHA Outbreak at the project site (applicable signs indicating as such will be posted). Attendees shall also cover their coughs/sneezes, practice hand washing, and shall not engage in physical contact. Attendees who disregard these health and safety requirements, as well as attendees who feel sick and/or have a cough or fever will not be allowed to attend. Attendees shall assemble at The Main Wastewater Treatment Plant at 2020 Wake Ave, Oakland. This is the only time that the work site will be open for inspection. The inspection will last approximately 2 hours. Attendees are encouraged to wear non-skid shoes. No photography by the Attendees will be allowed. The District will take photographs, as requested by the Attendees, restricted to the work zone. The District will release photographs to Attendees after the bid walk, pending review by District. All Attendees are required to have a photo ID and sign a confidentiality agreement not to share, sell, or publish photos. The Prime Contractor and its subcontractors are strongly encouraged to attend the jobsite inspection where a “sign-in” sheet will be provided. Requirements of the District’s Contract Equity Program, including the Local Hire component, will be discussed and explained at the jobsite inspection.

EBMUD Contract Equity Program is in effect on this project. District contracting objectives are: Construction 25% White Men; 9% White Women, 25% Ethnic Minorities (Men and Women).
Documents are available at no cost on, login is required. Project information, including plans, specifications, plan holders list, bid results, etc., can be found at